What we do and don't with your data

Yes, we collect data about you as a visitor on moneynotlove.ch. This page explains in detail what data we collect and what we use it for. There are two ways how we collect your data. Once through an analytics tool called Matomo, which logs all our website visitors. On the other hand if visitor actively enter data into contact forms, we obviously collect that as well.


Matomo is an open source analytics platform that we host on our own servers, meaning that no third party is processing any of our data. We collect

We use this information to improve our website, through finding errors, areas of interest and development over time. Based on the not-for-profit nature of moneynotlove, we have no interest and will never sell your data, nor will we share analytics data with any third party. If you ever feel the need to see your data or have it deleted, send us an email.

Contact Forms

In addition to email and Slack, we provide visitors with contact forms in order to collect specific information, for example for sign-ups to moneynotlove services. These forms require active input by visitors and usually collect an email address and a message. As the name 'contact form' implies, we use this data to get in touch with our visitors. We might also embed third-party forms, for example provided by Google or Mailchimp. Please refer to their privacy policy for more detail. We can tell you right now that these companies are not too strict about your privacy, but we sometimes have to use them in order to deliver a specific service.

Hey, we hear you

Data privacy is a big concern, and rightly so. In this sense, we welcome the recent legislative initiative by the EU. Please keep in mind that we lack resources to employ lawyers, but we do our best to be open and transparent on what we do. If you have any further questions, feel free to send us an email or even a letter.

moneynotlove Generalsekretariat
